Forest Mausoleum
final image - scroll down for animated shot

final image - scroll down for animated shot

animated sequence done with Movie Render Queue in Unreal Engine

Lumen raw lighting

Lumen raw lighting

Nanite geometry

Nanite geometry

One of the photographs I took in my nearby cemetery in London. More that recreating exactly the place, I wanted to capture the mood and create my own world

One of the photographs I took in my nearby cemetery in London. More that recreating exactly the place, I wanted to capture the mood and create my own world

For those who enjoy reading descriptions :)
This Unreal Engine project has been on mind for some time. I really wanted to explore possibilities of Unreal Engine 5 and see how much I can infuse the final look with my own aesthetics. On creative side I wanted to make something that both captures my personal experiences - places I frequently enjoy visiting as well as influences and inspirations from entertainment world. In past couple of years some of the most incredible (and sometimes long-awaited) RPG games were released. I enjoyed so much exploring those worlds and fantasies, in unexpected way they really became part of my lifelong influences. I hope those inspirations although not direct can be felt in the mood of this project. On technical side I have to say I am very impressed with what this software allows me to do. Maybe it doesn't have all the answers, but has so many advantages and possibilities no other software can offer. I remember using Unreal Engine 3 no more than 10 years ago and just how much it has advanced since then. Meanwhile some 3D tools barely changed and improved since then. I look forward to making more projects with Unreal.